
life insurance pittsburgh pa

Leave Behind a Legacy - Not a Tab

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Life insurance is often seen as something only elderly individuals need to worry about.
The truth is that anyone who has family members that depend on them financially should look into a life insurance policy. National Brokerage Services Inc offers a wide range of life insurance plans to fit your unique needs. We serve a diverse range of clients.

Make sure your family won't be left with financial hardship after you're gone. We offer term, whole and universal life insurance policies. If you own a business, ask us how a group life insurance plan could cover all of your employees under one policy.

Call today to schedule a consultation.

Who needs a life insurance policy?

Anyone who has experienced the death of a loved one knows that the financial burden placed on a family can be shocking. Your loved ones depend on you for financial security.

You should sign up for a life insurance policy if:

  • You have a spouse: Would your spouse struggle to live comfortably on their income alone? If not, a life insurance policy can help them recover.
  • You have children: The death of a parent can put heavy financial burdens on a child. Purchase life insurance to give them a brighter future.
  • You're taking care of your parents: If you have parents who depend on you for support, a life insurance policy is a safe choice.

We offer different plans for people just starting a career, growing a family or nearing retirement. No matter where you are in your life, consider a life insurance policy from National Brokerage Services.